How to sell your Amazon product with professional photos
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Friday, December 30, 2022
By Michaelangelo's
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E-commerce Product Photography

  If you are selling products on Amazon or anywhere on the world wide web you want your photos to be of the highest quality possible. Photos sell your product, pretty simple, bad photos, bad sales. Once your product is professionally photographed, it's out in front of millions of people for however long you want, bringing in the sales. Amazon has product image requirements, as you will see below. 

Every detail page in the Amazon store requires at least one product image, and they recommend you provide six images and one video. I have 5 images, of course, we shot more for our client. 

Good images make it easy for customers to view the product. Images should be clear, informative, and attractive, in which professional photographers can achieve. 

The first image is the "Main" image and is shown to customers in their search. It should be shot on pure white and fill the image frame. Usually, it is hard to achieve 255 white surrounding your product so editing in post-production is where that happens. It's a full-time job for many creative artists.

Additional images should show the product in use or environment, different angles, and features. We call them stylized and yes we keep busy full time. It takes a special eye to coordinate colors, patterns, and composition to create an eye-catching photo to sell your product.

Amazon has a Product page style guide I've included the link. Each category has a slightly different requirement. As professional product photographers, we will photograph your product but you may need a graphic designer to help with the style of your listing, you would not want Amazon to reject your listing after all your hard work.

Product page style guide 

 Quote from Amazon "When you upload your image files, they are checked to confirm that they meet technical file requirements. Files failing to meet these requirements will not be uploaded to your listings. When images are received from multiple sellers, Amazon will favor the images that meet the style guides and standards."

This is why a professional product photographer is essential. 

Images must accurately represent the product, match the product title, product fill 85% of the image, 1600px, JPG preferred, and not be blurry, or pixilated, All good reasons for a professional product photographer to photograph your product.


The MAIN image is so important. 

Must be pure white 255 background RGB.

Must be professional photographs of the actual product.

Must not have any text, logos..

Must not include multiple views.

Must show entire product.

Must show outside the package.

For Men's & Women's clothing must show on a human model.

Kids and baby clothing must be photographed flat, off model.

Shoes, single shoe facing left 45-degree angle.

This is a few tidbits for Amazon's MAIN product image, shot by a professional product photographer for best quality. 

Photographing product for Amazon or your own website, anywhere in the world wide web can be a bit confusing but that is why we are here to help walk you through it.

We have shot thousands of product and have the skills to photograph any product no matter what size, shape or texture with the correct professional lighting. 

Product photography - Ship your product, drop it off, or we can pick up. Call us for a quote, no job is too big!

Just to give you an idea, prices start at only $40 an image on white. 

 To view more photos

Product Photography

Call or email for a quote     440-260-7660      Contact

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